Several articles came to our attention this week as must reads when it comes to a natural approach to overall health and wellness.  Here’s the latest in health news across the web!

Food Allergies Make Kids a Target (

More children with food allergies may experience acts of bullying and other targeted negative behaviors than their peers, Sicherer said. A 2001 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development study found that about 17 percent of children in grades six to 10 reported being bullied. By comparison, 50 percent of kids in that age group in the food allergy study were reported to have experienced bullying, teasing or harassment. Read more.

Top Ten Toxins and How to Protect Your Family (USA Today)

What can you do to protect your family from everyday toxins? Plenty, writes USA TODAY health reporter Liz Szabo, in Fresh: Women’s Health Guide, a new USA TODAY publication that hits newsstands today. Here’s Szabo’s list of the toxic 10, in no particular order, with ideas for avoiding them. Read more.

What’s Wrong with Our Food “System”? (TedX Next Generation)

Why go organic?  11 year old, Birke Baehr speaks out about the risks of genetically modified foods, CAFOs, synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, and food irradiation.

Watch the video.

Hot Pepper for High Blood Pressure (Dr. Andrew Weil)

Capsaicin, the compound that adds the spicy zing to hot peppers, seems to have some benefit in blood pressure control. Chinese researchers have reported that long term consumption of capsaicin as part of the normal diet of rats bred to have high blood pressure helps relax blood vessels so that pressure falls. Read more.

~Results may vary from patient to patient. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If pregnant or nursing, ask a health professional before use. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek advice of physician.