BioLight Training
We offer training both online as well as in person.
Training, Support, and Information
BioLight training helps doctors who have little or no experience working with technology or practice disciplines such as LLLT, acupoint stimulation, homeopathy, nutrition or energetic information. You don’t have to be an expert on these modalities to use our systems. In fact, you really don’t need to know much about any of them to utilize them safely and competently. This is because our “Cook Book” approach simplifies everything for you. As you continue down the path of formally joining the BioLight Family, it’s important that we discuss not only the benefits of our products but the resources we have in place to support your growth and successful integration of our technology. With the introduction of the AURA PTL II, the good news is we’ve just made everything even easier.
Is the AURA PTL II System Easy to Learn and Simple To Use?
Yes! We actually refer to it as the “Easy Button”; it’s our fastest and easiest product to learn yet. The AURA PTL II is so easy to learn that all training can be done remotely via webinar. You’ll be provided with access to the Master’s “Cook Book” with step by step instructions for each protocol. We’ve even set it up so you have easy to print information for patients to take home ensuring accuracy of their in-home care. In addition to the “Cook Book,” you’ll be invited to watch a series of webinars that will review each group of protocols individually, including the:
- Signature Protocols
- BioCore Protocols
- Pain, Nerve & Inflammation Protocols
- Balancing Protocols
- Foundational Protocols
- Emotional & Bach Flower Protocols
The best part is you can do the training from the privacy and comfort of your home or office. You can train your staff in the same manner. For you this means no time out of the office, no lost income, no airfare, no hotels, no rental cars, no expensive meals! The protocols are so easy once you have the first one down, the rest are a snap. But our training does not stop there. With our unparalleled practitioner support your training is ongoing with unlimited clinical support for all your patient cases.
Get Notified of Upcoming Trainings!
BioLight Technologies provides both online and live event trainings throughout the year. Contact us to be notified of our upcoming events, so you don’t miss a single opportunity to implement the BioLight Technologies protocols in your practice!