The following article is provided by Dr. Jeremy Johnson with BioVeda Health and Wellness Center of Spring Hill, TN.
Allergies may seem straightforward: You’re exposed to allergens like dust, mold or animal dander, you get watery eyes, you sneeze and you feel miserable. But you may be surprised to learn why some people suffer more than others. Here, are some shocking facts about what may really be making you feel bad.
1. It may not be your pet that’s causing your allergies.
“It could be something else entirely,” says Jeff May, an indoor air quality expert and coauthor of Jeff May’s Healthy Home Tips. “Dust mites from your animal’s bed (or yours), or mold underneath antiques in small spaces” are possible culprits, he says. Even homes without pets can have a pet allergen problem. In fact, a study from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences reports that more than 99 percent of homes in the U.S. have detectable cat or dog allergens even though less than half of those homes have a dog or cat living there. Allergens can hitch a ride on other people’s clothes and they’ve been discovered in schools, hospitals, shopping malls, cinemas-and even in the offices of allergists.2. Obese children and adolescents have a higher risk of allergies.
Especially food allergies, a study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology notes. Researchers analyzed data from over 4,000 subjects ages 2 to 19, and discovered that obese participants were about 26 percent more likely to have allergies than children of normal weight. The rate of food allergies was especially troublesome-59 percent higher for children who were obese.3. Your sneezes around your daughter’s new kitten may be more than just a cold.
“You can grow up with pets and still develop allergies to them as an adult,” says Morris Nejat, MD, of the New York Allergy and Sinus Centers. “Having a pet gives you an immunity that can be lost when you leave that environment-to move away and start your own life, for example. If you then bring an animal into your own home, you may have lost your immunity and developed an allergy to your new pet.”4. Plants aren’t as healthy as you think.
Unfortunately, “plants do not purify the air,” May says. “Put a thin layer of gravel on top of each plant’s soil-this helps keep debris in the plant, protecting you from mold allergens,” recommends James M. Seltzer, MD, chairman of the Indoor Environment Committee of the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. “Even silk plants can cause mold,” Dr. Seltzer says.5. Trouble breathing? Don’t look to your lungs, look to your gut.
Upsetting the normal balance of microflora in your stomach and intestines can change your entire immune system, researchers at the University of Michigan Medical School report, intensifying your body’s response to common allergens like pollen or animal dander. According to scientists, our modern diet and increased use of antibiotics may be at fault. Safeguard your health with a diet low in sugar and high in raw fruits and vegetables, especially following treatment with antibiotics.6. Allergies can trigger bad breath.
“For some people, a dry mouth, caused by taking antihistamines for allergies or by the postnasal drip that streams down the back of your throat during allergy attacks, can result in bad breath,” says Cyril Meyerowitz, DDS, director of the Eastman Institute for Oral Health, part of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. “Sometimes tiny pieces of food lodge on the tongue or in the crevices of your tonsils and cause a nasty odor.”What exactly is an allergy? An allergy is simply an inappropriate response from your body to a normally harmless substance. For example, you and I are going to eat eggs for breakfast, we make the eggs together in the same pan with all the same ingredients, we both sit down to eat them at the same time and afterwards you have a reaction and I don’t. So was it the egg that caused the problem, or was it your bodies reaction to the egg that caused the problem? It was your body’s inappropriate reaction to the egg.
So what are you to do about these allergies or reactions to certain foods or pollutants? Keep taking pill after pill or shot after shot. There is a new therapy available now that can actually eliminate your need for the redundancy and provide long-term relief. It is called Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy (NSRT), and it uses an FDA cleared device for consistent, pain-free and effective treatment. This device is called the BAX-3000 and it can actually “re-program” your system to not have the negative reaction any longer, so that next time you eat an egg you will not have the reaction again.
There is a direct correlation between stress and allergy symptoms and understanding how they are related is an important part of utilizing our therapy to its full potential. Recent research shows that general stress can cause symptoms of allergic reactions to be twice as severe. Histamine production is significantly greater when the individual is under stress. Reducing stress significantly reduces the expression of allergy symptoms and the presentation of positive stimulation via substance specific light therapy can modulate the stress response.
The answer is that allergies and specifically allergy symptoms can be alleviated by reducing stress. Our technology was designed to reduce stress and in that scope can provide a benefit to patients suffering from allergy symptoms.
If you are suffering with allergies or food sensitivities and having symptoms such as: IBS, fibromyalgia, headaches, eczema, sinuses, chronic fatigue, etc… The BAX-3000 may be able to help. For more information visit or if you are in the Spring Hill, TN area call Back to Health Family Chiropractic, a Bioveda Health and Wellness Center at 1-877-756-4233 for a free consultation to see if you are a candidate for this exciting new therapy.
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