Chemicals in your home

-Guest Columnist, Liz Hopwood,  BioVeda Health and Wellness Do you know what is in your paint, detergent, fabric softeners, scented candles, and furniture? Most of us do not know, because usually, there are no ingredients listed on any of these products! Have you ever...

Hay Fever – Immune System in Overdrive

– Guest Columnist, Liz Hopwood, BioVeda Health and Wellness Center Do you have itchy, red, watery eyes or a stuffy nose? It’s allergy season again and most likely you or someone you know has allergies. This is something I personally have to deal with each...

~Results may vary from patient to patient. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If pregnant or nursing, ask a health professional before use. If symptoms persist or worsen, seek advice of physician.